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even though maximal exploitation is unlikely, fast op-
by the learner during the learning phase. The strate-
ponent modelling may still yield significant benefits.
gies with larger ³ values are clearly stronger, more ef-
fectively exploring the opponent s strategy during the
learning phase. This advantage is typical of Nash strate-
Thanks to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
gies with ³ > 0.7 across all opponents we tried.
search Council of Canada and the Alberta Ingenuity
Centre for Machine Learning for project funding, and
Learning Method Comparison
the University of Alberta poker group for their insights.
Figure 7 directly compares strategy and parameter
learning (both balanced and Nash exploration (³ = 1)),
all against a single opponent. Balanced parameter learn-
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Kuhn poker, is not generally feasible in a small num-
Billings, D.; Burch, N.; Davidson, A.; Holte, R.; Scha-
ber of hands. However, the learning methods explored
effer, J.; Schauenberg, T.; and Szafron, D. 2003. Ap-
are capable of showing positive results in as few as
proximating game-theoretic optimal strategies for full-
50 hands, so that learning to exploit is typically bet-
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ter than adopting a pessimistic Nash equilibrium strat-
telligence (IJCAI 2003).
egy. Furthermore, this 50 hand switching point is ro-
Koller, D., and Pfeffer, A. 1997. Representations and
bust to game length and opponent. Future work includes
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ligence 94(1):167 215.
ing strategies, and larger games. Both approaches can
scale up, provided the number of parameters or experts
Korb, K., and Nicholson, A. 1999. Bayesian poker. In
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Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 343 350.
small sets of experts can be carefully selected). Also,
Kuhn, H. W. 1950. A simplified two-person poker.
the exploration differences amongst equal valued strate-
Contributions to the Theory of Games 1:97 103.
gies (e.g. Nash) deserves more attention. It may be pos-
AAAI-05 / 788
Expected Total Winnings
Expected Total Winnings
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