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I am not under your command, the chemman replied in a deadpan voice. I can walk
through Zazocorma unhindered.
Der tried to sheath the Pallens sword, but then remembered that she didn t have a
sheath for it. Um, Thistle, he probably escaped with the others. You didn t hear that they were
captured, did you? We don t know where he could be.
Jakkobb shook his head. Your call, but we re leaving.
The chemman remained motionless.
The knight motioned and they headed up the creaking wooden stairs for a door. He
pushed it open with a foot and instantly the air smelled sweeter. He stepped back inside.
Alright. Der, Carak, keep your weapons low. We don t want to frighten people, but we re in a
The three of them exploded into a large avenue. Stars shone overhead and only a few
late night walkers strolled down the street. The giant knight bore down on the first people he
A man and a woman who were holding hands gripped each others hands tighter and
squeaked. A dwarf wearing spectacles and a girl holding a very elegant sword chased him.
The red knight smiled through the small open space of his helmet. Good evening, good
evening. Um, do you mind me asking where the hell are we?
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton 225
The woman had to open her mouth a couple of times before any sound came out.
Tenmar City.
The knight snorted. Damn. No tree paths.
Where is Tenmar City? Der asked. I ve never heard of it.
It s the capital of the kingdom of Tenmar, the woman supplied. She stared at them as
if they had just arrived from the moon. Are ye magic users?
Far east and north of Thealith, Der, Jakkobb said. Well, lady, is there a reputable
wizard nearby? There has to be. A powerful one.
We can t afford a wizard, Carak protested.
I m a dragoon. He ll know that he ll be paid in full. He whirled back on the fidgeting
couple. Come on, lady, we re in a hurry!
The couple pointed down the road, too dumbstruck to speak.
Der started after the others, but stopped and glanced over her shoulder. Behind them,
with aching slowness, Thistle trudged behind them.
I wish we could leave, Alsalon said. I don t like it here.
I know, Kaleb answered. I don t either, but this is where we must be. I hope that they
fight to death because I am not taking prisoners.
They are chemmen, the younger prince said. We ve learned you can t trust even the
prisoners, not even the little children.
Lady Evelyn closed her multi-faceted eyes. At least they re here. They ve stopped the
slaughter of our people in the countryside where we cannot protect them.
Because they re here for us. Kaleb bunched his fist. The chemmen army had
disappeared into the oncoming mist. We led them here. They chased. He whirled toward the
stairwell as he heard the commotion of feet hammering up the stairs.
Duke Farallon and Sir Amthros exploded onto the platform. The duke tried to catch his
breath. I bring word. Fienan has returned.
Kaleb gasped. With whom? Who else has returned?
The duke shook his head. Only Fienan and Kelin. The boy Thalon and a couple of
Dwarves? The crown prince repeated.
So the boy is safe. A small smile flittered across Evelyn s features.
The knight of Arborn s face was also flushed. They ll be attacking any moment. We
must get you to safety. He brought his eyes around to the duke. From what we know, my lord
duke, you sent word to the chemmen that brought them here.
What! The duke roared.
The baroness retreated behind the knight. The duke has always been favorable to us!
Amthros stepped fully in front of the lady, his eyes locked on his target. The chemman
who claims to be on our side informed us. We do know that there is a traitor.
And it is the chemman that we cannot trust! the duke thundered, balling his fists. This
is outrageous!
You thought that you could be the king. You would be the one. Amthros shook his
head. Is that why you launched the chemmen at our royal family s throats?
I did nothing of the sort! I loved them! King Valladen was my dearest friend. I helped
him build our nation!
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton 226
Kaleb marched up to his duke. The traitor marked my parents for death! That s why
they couldn t run!
Alsalon slapped his hands over his ears. Tears had popped into the corners of his eyes.
No, no, no!
Yes! Kaleb shouted, still advancing as the duke retreated to the railing. Did you
murder my parents?!
Farallon raised his hands to his face. No, my prin my king! I did not! I loved the king
and queen!
I don t believe you! Veins glowed on his forehead and his neck.
Lady Evelyn, usually as graceful as a dove, tripped over the hem of her dress and
tumbled forward, hands flailing to catch something. Her fingernails scraped across Amthros s
cheek as he whirled toward her, and they dug beneath his skin.
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